Monday, 27 March 2017

The Fat Transfer Procedure - Dr. Brian Evans

Body fat transfers are most often performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. The location of the procedure may be the doctor's office, outpatient center, or hospital. The procedure may take up to two hours. The procedure is often performed under "twilight sedation," which includes a combination of medications that make you feel sleepy and numbed, but awake. The procedure may be performed under general anesthesia, while you are asleep. You should discuss the type of anesthesia with your doctor. The waiting time before returning home depends on the amount of fat that is transferred.

Learn more about body contouring

The procedure varies depending upon the technique used by the doctor and the area to be treated. The most commonly treated locations are the buttocks, chest, calf, and bicep or tricep muscles. The procedure can be described in three steps:

Antiseptic is applied to two areas:
1) the location where the fat will be removed and
2) the treated area, where the fat will be injected.

The fat cells are typically removed from the buttocks, stomach, or thighs using liposuction. The doctor uses a cannula (a thin hollow tube) that is connected to a vacuum device to remove fat cells.

After the fat cells are suctioned by the cannula, the fat cells are processed and purified by the doctor. In some cases, the doctor will use a technique that spins the fat cells before the cells are injected beneath the skin. Some doctors do not spin fat. Different doctors may use different techniques of spinning fat. A bandage may be applied.

It takes three to four days for the first capillaries in the body to reach the transplanted fat cells. Unfortunately, during those three to four days, up to 60 percent of the transferred fat cells will die. For this reason, doctors will overfill the treated area to allow for the dissipation of transferred fat cells. Since many of the transferred fat cells may eventually be reabsorbed in the body, the results may be unpredictable. The results of fat transfers may last about three years. Many cases result in the transfer lasting a lifetime. Each time the procedure is repeated, more fat is accumulated in the treated area. This tends to offer longer-lasting results.

After Fat Transfer Surgery

After the procedure, you may need someone to drive you home. You may also need someone to help you with daily living activities during the time specified by your doctor. The doctor will instruct you to limit activity, including exercise, for up to three weeks after the procedure. Within two to three days after the procedure, the bandage is removed by the doctor. Patients can begin to shower after the bandage is removed.

There is typically some swelling and some bruising. The swelling may last for several weeks. However, bruising will subside within a few days. The treated area may be reddened within the first 48 hours. Discomfort can be managed with oral medications. Scabs may form at injection site as well. Unmanageable pain or any symptoms that are progressive or abnormal should be reported to the doctor immediately. Normal activities can often be resumed almost immediately, except that you are advised to stay out of the sun. Patients should notice a marked improvement after the procedure. However, final results may not be evident for several months or longer.

Complications and Risks

Complications are possible with any medical procedure, but complications from fat transfers are infrequent. The most common, but infrequent, complications of fat transfers include uneven skin texture, infection, abscess, excessive bleeding, or scarring. If fat is injected into two or more areas, patients may have asymmetry whereby the fat appears uneven in different areas. Treatment for complications can range from oral medications to surgical intervention, depending upon the extent of the complication. Following the doctor's instructions before and after the procedure can reduce the risk of complications.

Consult a Qualified Plastic Surgeon

Talk to a qualified doctor about your goals and the treatment options available for your condition. A qualified doctor will help ensure the treatment is appropriate for your condition, increase the odds of success, and reduce the risk of complications.

It's important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon from the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Board certification may not always guarantee the best results; however, board certification does require specific and rigorous surgical education and training. There are only a select number of doctors who perform the procedure. Choose a surgeon who has extensive, specific experience in the body fat transfer that you are interested in, as well as expertise in all areas of body fat transfer.

Dr. Brian Evans is a plastic surgeon in West Hills, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and San Joaquin Community Hospital.
Call (818) 676-4001 today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Brian Evans. He has assembled a team of plastic surgeons and skin care specialists to perform procedures of cosmetic surgery and body contouring in Thousand Oaks to provide patients with comprehensive aesthetic care.
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Sunday, 19 March 2017

Surgical Advancements Provide New Options for Abdominoplasty Surgery

The Abdominoplasty procedure (Tummy Tuck) was developed by plastic surgeons in order to treat skin looseness and stretch marks that developed with age, after pregnancy, and with weight fluctuation. Typically, the procedure involved removal of loose lower abdominal skin up to and above the level of the umbilicus (belly button) and tightening of the abdominal muscles in the midline.

A small surgical incision was created in the upper abdominal skin when it is pulled down to the level of the umbilical stalk. In order to remove the lower abdominal skin to the level of the belly button, surgeons elevated the upper abdominal skin and fat off the muscle fascia up to the level of the lower costal (rib) margins.

Because older abdominoplasty techniques emphasized removing the largest amount of lower abdominal skin in the midline, and removing the skin that surrounded the (umbilicus) belly button, these procedures often produced an unnatural appearing abdomen with scars that were too close to the umbilicus. Insistence on complete removal of the abdominal skin around the umbilicus is often a cosmetic error, which produced unnaturally high abdominal scars. Older techniques of abdominoplasty also produced wide scars with depressions that resulted because the deep tissue of the surgical incision was closed with absorbable sutures.

The High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty was developed by plastic surgeon Dr. Ted Lockwood to create a more natural and aesthetically pleasing abdominal appearance as a result of abdominoplasty surgery.

The HLT Abdominoplasty is noted or the following features:
1) Emphasis on lateral lower abdominal skin excess excision and post surgical skin tension
2) Reliance on the strength of the superficial fascial system for incision closure and optimization of scar.
3) Limited undermining of upper abdominal skin/soft tissue flaps, which preserves abdominal flap blood supply and allows for liposuction of the abdominal region without compromising skin viability.
4) De-emphasis on removing all skin up to, around, and above the umbilicus.
5) Liposuction to treat upper and lateral abdominal and flank fat deposits.

Because abdominal skin and tissue laxity are greater on the sides of the abdomen, and away from the midline, treatment of laxity in these regions is paramount to obtaining better results with abdominoplasty. With the HLT Abdominoplasty, lateral tension is emphasized because tissue laxity increases from the midline to the sides of the trunk with age and/or with weight fluctuation Therefore, the emphasis of skin removal and tightening is shifted from the midline to the sides of the lower abdominal skin and soft tissue.

The Superficial Facial System (SFS) is a connective tissue layer interlaced with the subcutaneous fat that lies between the deep dermis and abdominal fascia. Closure of the deep layers of fat with permanent braided nylon sutures integrates the strength of the (SFS) in the resulting abdominoplasty incision. The permanent stitches, which secure the deep layers of fat surrounded by the SFS, create a durable narrow scar and prevent a "ledge" effect that occurs when absorbable stitches are used on the deep fat layers. The muscles of the abdominal wall are sutured to treat muscle laxity and create an internal corset. The belly button position is transposed.

Liposuction is performed with the High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty for additional abdominal contour improvement in appropriately selected patients. The combination of liposuction and HLT abdominoplasty gives results that surpass those obtained by either procedure alone. Liposuction of the upper and lateral abdomen improves appearance and often allows the contour of the upper abdomen to show definition where it did not exist before. Not only is the abdomen tightened with this technique, but the anterior thigh is also lifted as well. These features are unique to the High Lateral Tension abdominoplasty technique, and are not as readily achieved (if at all) with traditional abdominoplasty techniques.

High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty may be performed with liposuction of the back and flank regions. In these cases, the operation becomes one of Total Truncal Rejuvenation as the contour of the entire torso addressed in one operation.

If you are considering Abdominoplasty Surgery, you can discuss all your issues with Dr. Brian Evans. Mr. Evans is a plastic surgeon in West Hills, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and San Joaquin Community Hospital. He received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Brian Evans Plastic Surgery private medical practice has been divided between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and the care of the burn-injured patient.

Call (818) 676-4001
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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Arm Liposuction Options: Dr. Brian Evans

Many people are embarrassed of underarm loose skin and may opt in to have arm liposuction. Some will not wear short sleeve shirts due to the fact they have excess skin and fat on their under arm. For those that have self esteem issues due to excess arm skin or fat, this procedure may be what are right for you.
 For many exercises and weight lifting will not tone or correct this problem in anyway. There are no muscles in that location so toning is out of the question. Arm lipo is a simple way to get rid of the extra fat without strenuous exercise.

Anyone can opt in to have this procedure from the young man to the elderly woman. Many who have the problem of underarm flabbiness are not at all overweight. While others may generally be mildly overweight. Under arm flab has nothing to do with being obese.

The cosmetic procedure is not extreme and normally will take one or two hours. The doctor will use a local anesthesia and recovery time is less than a month's time. A skilled surgeon will be able to perform this plastic surgery so that it does not leave much scaring at all and the far majority of the time if there is a small amount of scarring, most people won't be able to notice it.

The end result of having arm liposuction is that you will untimely be happier with your appearance. After having lipo, many will be able to enjoy a day at the beach without worrying about what their arms look like. Having flabby underarms can make anyone self conscious and having this problem corrected with arm liposuction can give one more confidence. After undergoing treatment you may feel a sense of ease that you have never felt before. One great thing about undergoing these cosmetic procedures is that now you can fit in to that size small shirt you have wanted to wear and show off your new slim arms.

If you would like to learn more about arm liposuction please feel free to consult Dr. Brian Evans (A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon), who covers every aspect of these procedures, including upper arm lipo.

Brian Evans Plastic Surgery Clinic aims to increase the confidence of patients and to improve their appearance by performing procedures of a high standard. A thorough first consultation is scheduled to understand the requirements of patients before procedures are performed.
To read more, please visit here:

Friday, 3 March 2017

Breast Reduction - Pills Or Surgery?

Breast reduction pills are a form of pill that promises to reduce a woman's chest size. Many women believe their chest size is too large for their frame and thus want to reduce the size of their breasts, and taking pills is an easier option than having breast reduction surgery. But do they work? 

Large breasts can cause a woman a lot of problems, including chronic neck and back pain, difficulty participating in sporting activities or activities that require a lot of athleticism, and can even cause emotional trauma. Shopping for clothes is also another difficulty for women with large breasts because most clothes simply don't fit them. While there are many women who want larger, firmer breasts, there is also a great many who wish for just the opposite.

Large breasts have more problems than those listed above, especially later in life or after a pregnancy that included breast feeding. Gravity and age take their toll on a woman's breasts, and eventually they sag and droop, which can decrease a woman's overall self confidence and negatively impact her life.

If you're going to give breast reduction pills a try, do your homework. Does the pill have a lot of testimonials? Maybe some before and after pictures? Does it have any doctors endorsing the product? And, if so, what are the credentials of the doctor? Does he or she specialize in breast reduction? Also, you should thoroughly read their disclaimer - you might find a few things that don't sound very promising about the effectiveness and or safety of the pill.

Breast reduction surgery is another alternative to reducing breast size. It is the only permanent option you have, and it can alleviate your breast size issues overnight. Of course, you'll need to recover from the surgery first, but the rewards are well worth the costs.

If you opt for breast reduction surgery, you'll need at least a few weeks to recover. You'll also have to take off time from work. Some of the risks include: loss of sensitivity on portions of the breast and an inability to breast feed (they say you should not be considering children if you are considering breast reduction surgery).

How much does breast reduction surgery cost compared to breast reduction pills? In this category, breast reduction pills win by a landslide because a breast reduction surgery can cost upwards of five thousand dollars or more. But then again, do breast reduction pills even work? Why spend money on something if it will not have positive results? Only you can decide which option is best for your situation.

If you decide to give breast reduction pills a try, it is highly recommended that you get the approval of your family doctor. He or she can advise you of the risks involved, if there are any. And if you try them for a while and don't experience any positive results, then you might want to consider a breast reduction surgery.

The internet is a great resource for finding information on any topic, isn't it? By searching for your subject, you can find answers to almost any question you have, on any topic. But when it comes to your health and your health-related questions, it is highly recommended that you put your trust in a licensed, board certified surgeon. This is particularly true when you are considering a surgical procedure like breast reduction.

Only a qualified physician can give you the answers you need in order for you to make an informed decision about your plastic surgery needs. In short: get off the internet and speak to a surgeon today!

West Hills, CA based Brian Evans Plastic Surgery Clinic is much sought-after, given the huge numbers of patients choosing breast reduction surgery every year.
Dr. Brian Evans a Board-certified plastic surgeon has improved the shapes and profiles of his clients. They have also supported them in dealing with the emotional stresses associated with a breast reduction surgery.

Consult Dr. Brian Evans Plastic Surgery to know more about breast reduction surgery that can help you feel better about yourself and spare you of the physical discomforts and pain of living with oversized breasts.

Learn more about other surgical procedures such as Rhinoplasty (nose job), Facelift, Blepharoplasty (eye lift), Butt lift, Breast augmentation (breast enhancement, enlargement, or reduction), Tummy tuck, Liposuction please visit here:

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Guidelines in Choosing the Best Cellulite Treatment

People in different ages and gender around the world suffer from the problem of having cellulite. This is a mass of fat that are stored underneath the skin that makes it look like cottage cheese. These unwanted fats are mostly seen on hips, thighs, legs, stomach, arms and buttocks. Formation of cellulite is caused due to many reasons and good thing there are many ways to get rid of it.

The first thing that you should do in getting rid of cellulite is seeing first your doctor, cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist. Discuss the treatment you want and you can even ask them what option is best suited for your age and extent of severity. There are two major types of treatment for cellulite, the surgical and non-surgical treatments.

One of the popular surgical ways of reducing cellulite is Liposuction. This treatment is done by inserting a tunnelling rod with the rounded tip into the fat cells that will break them up. This treatment must be done by a specialized and registered practitioner for safety purposes. Another popular cellulite treatment that is non-surgical is Endermologie.

This cellulite treatment doesn't involve needles or rods only automatic roller that massages the affected area under the supervision of a specialist. This treatment is usually done twice a week for at least 30 to 40 minutes for eight weeks. By simply massaging the affected area, it increases the blood flow and hence stops accumulation of fat. The only con of this treatment is the darkening and bruising of spider veins.

Nowadays a new technique has been discovered in getting rid of cellulite fast and that is Laser lipolisis. This is done by inserting a fiber-optic laser through a tiny incision that targets the body fat. By doing this, more than 500 grams of fat gets absorbed and gets excreted as waste. Do you know that aside from these treatments, there are natural ways of preventing and reducing cellulite?

The best natural way of reducing cellulite is simply reducing the day to day stress in life. Stress is the main contributor of cellulite formation because stress releases adrenaline in the body that results to reduced toxic elimination and poor blood circulation to the skin. This is the reason why people who are always stressed out are prone of having cellulite.

Reducing cellulite is really a tough job that can't be done overnight. You must have all the patience and money as well to get rid of it fast. One of the best natural ways to get rid of cellulite affordably is doing some exercises regularly. It is believed that the more muscles you build, the lesser the cellulite will be.

In selecting a cellulite reduction treatment for you, Dr. Brian Evans suggests that you really need to make a wise choice to achieve best results. You don't want to end up wasting all your hard earned money, time and effort. Take time to research about the different cellulite treatments to help you decide depending on your lifestyle, budget and severity of the condition.

Consult Dr. Brian Evans MD if you are looking for Cellulite Treatment guidance.
Services provided by Brian Evans Plastic Surgery include the surgical reshaping or augmentation of facial features and breasts, surgical body sculpting procedures, stem cell therapy, surgery for skin cancer and wound care surgery. Call (818) 676-4001 for the best consultation today!
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